Finding “Specialized” and “Off-Cycle” Funding for SBIR/STTR Eligible Projects

Your team is likely already aware of the NIH SBIR/STTR Omnibus Solicitation. However, many projects qualify for funding opportunities outside of the SBIR/STTR omnibus application cycle (January, April, and September each year). Therefore, a company interested in SBIR/STTR funding should evaluate these opportunities as part of an overall grant funding strategy.

Blue Haven Grant Consultants specializes in identifying, evaluating, composing, and submitting SBIR/STTR grant applications. Therefore, in this post we introduce a few other potential funding sources for your project that fall outside of the typical SBIR/STTR Omnibus Solicitation cycle.

Types of Specialized and Off-Cycle SBIR/STTR Funding Opportunities

Notice of Special Interest

Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) represent a valuable source of potential funding within the National Institutes of Health SBIR/STTR program. While NOSIs draw from the same funding pool as the omnibus SBIR/STTR grants, they focus on specific technology or disease areas that applicants must address in their proposals. NOSIs typically follow the same application process and requirements as the omnibus grants, with a few targeted exceptions tailored to the specific goals of the NOSI. By aligning your project with a NOSI, you may increase your chances of securing funding due to the specialized nature of these opportunities. This focused funding aims to advance specific areas of research, offering applicants a potentially more favorable pathway compared to the broader omnibus solicitations.

Although similar to the omnibus solicitation, it is important to thoroughly read the NOSI announcement to ensure that your project aligns with the goals and objectives outlined by the announcement. NOSI alignment demonstrates the relevance of your proposal to the specific research priorities of the NIH and the specific institute offering the funding opportunity.

Request For Applications

Numerous NIH institutes also issue highly specific and targeted Requests for Applications (RFAs) separate from the omnibus solicitation. RFAs are funded separately form the omnibus solicitation, enabling each institute to address their unique research priorities and needs. As a result, RFAs are more topic restrictive compared to the broader scoped omnibus solicitation and NOSI funding opportunities. The targeted nature of RFAs often leads to reduced competition for these funds, as only proposals that closely align with the institute's priorities and needs are considered.

For a team equipped to accomplish specific research tasks, RFAs represent a valuable funding opportunity. However, it is essential to balance the funding opportunity with your own project’s goals and milestones.

State Funding

Many U.S. states offer resources that companies can use to prepare SBIR/STTR grant applications or even supplement SBIR/STTR grant awards. Each state and funding agency will have different requirements and expectations, so it is essential to customize your application to each agency. There are numerous opportunities, but a good place to start looking is the BHGC State Resources page.

BHGC Off-Cycle Advantage

Blue Haven Grant Consultants primary focus is on securing SBIR/STTR funding for our customers. However, a significant component of the BHGC Advantage is our development of a deep understanding of your project and team. Whereas other grant writing services rely on a one-size-fits-all approach and standardized or even automated document generation that may not be appropriate for NOSIs, RFAs, or state specific opportunities, BHGC grant writers use their familiarity with your project and team to tailor off-cycle funding applications to maximize the funding opportunities available for your project.

Regardless of where your project might currently fall in a funding cycle, our no risk BHGC Pay Upon Award™ is worth exploring. Schedule a free consultation with us to explore opportunities together.


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